For the children of Rwanda

Social and Charity

Social and Charity

At school to build a brighter future

In collaboration with Specchio d’Italia, the Foundation is helping children in the Nganzo area of  Rwanda.

Classes here have an average of 65 pupils, and just 65% of students complete their studies (2016 figures, source Unicef). Thousands of young people get lost along the way, because lessons are too expensive, and the classrooms are difficult to reach. And families are getting poorer all the time.

Covid has made everything worse: for many children, school attendance has become increasingly patchy as a result of the pandemic, malaria and intestinal infections. And it is even more limited during the rainy season, when getting around becomes almost impossible in these areas.


To allow the children to continue with their studies, the schools are equipped with boarding facilities, where the children can stay away from their families, but close to their desks and blackboards. 

Staying in these facilities doubles the costs for families: if they pay €150 a year for school fees, that figure rises to €300 with the addition of board, and these are huge sums for people living in such poverty.

And then there are the deaf and dumb children, whom no-one comes to pick up again after school: they are often abandoned. It’s the missionary nuns who take care of them (and of many other needy young people, with or without disabilities). The nuns run most of the schools in the area, including those in Kicukiro, Nyamirambo, Rulindo, Kigali, Musanze and Nyarugenge.

We have adopted these children, funding their studies and offering them the chance for a brighter future.

The aim is to provide financial support to keep as many students as possible in school, by paying for their school and boarding fees, meals, school materials and clothes.


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