Digital Lab

Social and Charity

Social and Charity

Accompanying young people, focusing on digitalisation and a sense of community

The oratory becomes a digital lab, to offer the youth of the new millennium a community, the chance to shape values and to create employment opportunities.

With the support of the Carlo Acutis Foundation, the Diocese of Turin is creating a truly exceptional, original experience, conceived in such a way as to be replicated in other settings, and on different scales and offering a new way to tap into the potential of digital culture in order to rise to the challenges of our time, tackling both new forms of poverty among the young and the digital divide that affects the elderly.

Poverty that regards relationships, experiences, opportunities: the same social questions in which Blessed Carlo Acutis invested his energy; and it is no coincidence that one of the classrooms in the permanent cultural workshop in the Pompei Student Lab of Turin is named after this exceptional young man, because his life has also become an inspiration for the digital lab project.


The project started in the Parish of Our Lady of Pompei in Turin.

In the Parrocchia Sant’Antonio Abate, Piazza Stampalia 17 – 10148 Torino (TO) inaugurated on May 26, 2023;
In the Oratorio Salesiano Michele Rua, Via Paisiello 37 – 10154 Torino (TO) inaugurated on October 8, 2023.

The Digital Lab will promote attention to the new generations (cultivating their potential), digitalisation (serving the common good and the neediest sections of the population) and the community (encouraging and facilitating encounters between different generations, specifically between the young and the elderly).

The Carlo Acutis Foundation has lent its support to the Digital Lab project since the beginning, seeking to establish a place with the mission to create opportunities for young people and promote inclusion for all ages, not only within the framework of study and research, but with a view to aiding the construction of a career. The aspiration is for Turin to become a model for many other places, both in Italy and worldwide.


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The sequel of looking at the Shroud

Art and Culture - Social and Charity

Art and Culture, Social and Charity

Inspired by the Holy Shroud

For centuries, the Holy Shroud has inspiredprovoked, and challenged people all over the world. The Carlo Acutis Foundation works to promote knowledge of this Treasure kept in the city of Turin and support social and charitable works inspired by the image of the greatest Love imprinted on it.


IN CAMMINO. La porta di Torino: itinerari Sindonici sulla Via Francigena

  • On the occasion of the 2022 European Meeting of the Taizé Community in Turin, in collaboration with the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts and with the support of the Consulta for Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Turin, the Carlo Acutis Foundation offered young people from countries across the continent the experience of faces in the Face, an artistic path focused on the Holy Face.
  • The Carlo Acutis Foundation is participating in the works for the Church of Kwauso, a school dedicated to the Holy Face in Bukoba, Tanzania. The origin of the Qwauso school is summarized by its founder, Father Stanislaus Mutajwahaha, in seven words: “The sequel of looking at the Shroud”. These words capture the essence of the vitality of the Holy Shroud in those who draw inspiration from it, which is why the Carlo Acutis Foundation chose them to define all of its Shroud-related activities.

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Carlo Acutis Talents

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Social and Charity

Support for merit-worthy IT students

The project derives from a proposal from a supporter devoted to Blessed Carlo Acutis.

The donor expressed the desire to establish a scholarship to support merit-worthy IT students in financial difficulty, providing his own generous yearly contribution.

The Foundation accepted the proposal, deciding to contribute to the funding and establish annual scholarships in Milan and Turin.

By the end of November, with the support of the Polytechnic University, the first call for applications will be published in Milan for two annual scholarships, which the winning students will be able to use during 2022.


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Chapel of the Oasi della Pietà Orphanage

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Social and Charity

A home for children left alone, regardless of religion

The Non-Profit Organisation Bambino Gesù del Cairo is funding the construction of the “Oasi della Pietà” orphanage in the New Administrative Capital of Egypt, near Cairo (work began in February 2020).

The work, which belongs to the Catholic Coptic Church in Egypt, will also comprise the construction of a children’s hospital that will be supported by the Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome, and is part of a broader project to foster dialogue between the Holy See and Egypt, and with the Islamic world in general.

The “Oasi della Pietà” Orphanage will provide children and young people who have no assistance from their families with a residential facility where they can be taken care of, protected, and accompanied along the road to healthy growth and educational development.

It will aim to develop their physical, mental, language and social skills, thus helping to improve their lives.


The Orphanage will welcome all children, regardless of religion.

The Foundation will take part in the construction of the chapel of the orphanage (total estimated cost € 540,000). The chapel will have a strong connection with the figure of Blessed Carlo Acutis, and a statue of him – recently blessed by the Pope – will be permanently housed inside, symmetrical to a statue of Our Lady of Fatima, following a pilgrimage of hope through the dioceses of Egypt. 

The work on the Orphanage began in August 2020, and despite the pandemic, 70% of the masonry work had been completed by September 2021.


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Training and Employment

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Social and Charity

Training and employment opportunities for young people

The project, supported by the Carlo Acutis Foundation, is carried out in the Corvetto district of Milan, by the Specchio d’Italia Foundation and the La Strada Cooperative. It is aimed at those young people unable to complete their lower secondary school education. In agreement with the schools they come from, 15 students (aged between 14 and 17) take an alternative route towards the lower secondary school diploma, attending the headquarters of the cooperative with a dedicated learning programme for the final school year.


Alongside the regular teaching courses, the students can also take part in practical activities (bread-making and carpentry) and internships, offering them an effective way to make contact with the world of employment. In June, they all take the lower secondary school final examination, thus concluding their experience in a positive, useful way for their future.

The aim of the project and of the Carlo Acutis Foundation is to save young people with a high risk of dropping out of school, helping them to continue with their studies and accompanying them towards obtaining their diploma.


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Carlo Acutis Group Home

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Social and Charity

Providing shelter for orphaned girls

In January 2014, the non-profit organisation Comunità Cristiani nel Mondo officially opened the “Carlo Acutis” Group Home in the village of Kitwiru (urban district of Iringa, Tanzania). The facility currently hosts 16 young girls and teenagers who have been orphaned or whose families are in difficulty, and also operates as a recreational centre for the local children and a meeting place for the young people and the communities that make up the Parish.


The Comunità Cristiani nel Mondo association was established in Agrigento in 1969 for the world to experience the spirit of the Beatitudes, in a vital synthesis of prayer and action. It is made up of groups of families, Priests and Nuns (Disciples of the Redeemer), who work together on various charitable projects, pooling their respective talents. This has led to the construction of schools, shelters and counselling centres, as well as the provision of spiritual and material support to the disadvantaged. 

In Tanzania, in addition to the Carlo Acutis Group home, the association operates in Ipogolo (Iringa), assisting needy children, also by dispensing medicines.

In Italy, it is present in Rome, and in Agrigento, Catania and Palermo in Sicily.


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For the children of Rwanda

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At school to build a brighter future

In collaboration with Specchio d’Italia, the Foundation is helping children in the Nganzo area of  Rwanda.

Classes here have an average of 65 pupils, and just 65% of students complete their studies (2016 figures, source Unicef). Thousands of young people get lost along the way, because lessons are too expensive, and the classrooms are difficult to reach. And families are getting poorer all the time.

Covid has made everything worse: for many children, school attendance has become increasingly patchy as a result of the pandemic, malaria and intestinal infections. And it is even more limited during the rainy season, when getting around becomes almost impossible in these areas.


To allow the children to continue with their studies, the schools are equipped with boarding facilities, where the children can stay away from their families, but close to their desks and blackboards. 

Staying in these facilities doubles the costs for families: if they pay €150 a year for school fees, that figure rises to €300 with the addition of board, and these are huge sums for people living in such poverty.

And then there are the deaf and dumb children, whom no-one comes to pick up again after school: they are often abandoned. It’s the missionary nuns who take care of them (and of many other needy young people, with or without disabilities). The nuns run most of the schools in the area, including those in Kicukiro, Nyamirambo, Rulindo, Kigali, Musanze and Nyarugenge.

We have adopted these children, funding their studies and offering them the chance for a brighter future.

The aim is to provide financial support to keep as many students as possible in school, by paying for their school and boarding fees, meals, school materials and clothes.


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Carlo Acutis Kitchen and Shelter

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Social and Charity

A new kitchen for the poorest

This project is particularly important in these times of severe financial difficulty for many people.

It is aimed mainly at 50 users of the kitchen of the diocese and a number of disadvantaged workers who frequent the construction yards of the Sanctuary.


The renovation work on the kitchen is expected to be completed in January 2022.

The apartment for emergency accommodation has already been made available.

Since May 2021, it has been used on numerous occasions to provide temporary shelter, while since  September it has hosted a family composed of a mother and her three children, who are being taken care of by the Caritas charity organisation of the Diocese of Assisi.


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Paid internship

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Social and Charity

A paid internship for a fresh start

With this project, our aim is to help improve the living conditions and prospects of people experiencing difficulty returning to the work market.

The project offers mature, experienced workers the opportunity to get back into the employment market and to share the professional skills they have acquired over the years.


In addition, thanks to placements in charitable organisations, the social value of the project is two-fold.

Projects of this type allow people to regain awareness of a positive, gratifying role, not only in the activity they are involved in, but as a member of the work market and the holder of a fully acknowledged right to citizenship. 


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